Showing posts with label Machine Translation Service in SharePoint 2013.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Machine Translation Service in SharePoint 2013.. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Machine Translation service in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint server 2013 we have many new service applications. Machine Translation service is one of the new in service applications. It allows us to translate the site and user content. This service will have a list of APIs, REST and Client Side Object Model support. By using API’s content can pre-translate when required or content can be translated on the fly by the users. Here the process will happen Asynchronously, Synchronously or using streaming.

Machine translation service will translate the text from one language to another language. Here the translation process will happened by using cloud-hosted machine translation service. Machine translation service will share many components with word automation service timer jobs, Documents Queue etc. Here is the simple image that explaining Machine translation service.

Machine translation service will process the translation requests asynchronously and synchronously. Jobs that submitted to the machine translation service will process synchronously when translation timer job executes configurable. Default interval for this is 15 min. We can translate Asynchronous requests manually by running SharePoint translation Service timer jobs through Central Admin or using Power Shell script.

We can create new Machine translation service by using the steps below,

In Central Admin, Application Management, select Manage Service Application

Select New Machine Translation Service.

In the “Create New Machine Translation Service Application form”, enter the Name. In the Application Pool section, if we want to use existing application, we can select “Use existing application pool”, and select the app pool wanted to use. Else, Create new Application Pool. In my case Iam creating new App pool. The account using for App pool must have the full permissions to User Profile service application.

In the “Partitioned Mode”, we have to select “Run in partitioned mode” if we are going to provide hosting services for other sites. Select “Add this service application’s proxy to the farm’s default proxy list” in the “Add to Default Proxy List” section. When we have multiple web applications and wanted to use them in different set of services, we don’t have to check the check box.

In the Database section, we have to specify the DB server name, DB name and authentication methods. Click on “OK” button.

We can configure the Machine translation service by using the Power Shell script below,

New-SPTranslationServiceApplication -Name "ServiceAppName" -DatabaseName "DBName" -DatabaseServer "DBServerName" -ApplicationPool "AppPoolName" –Default

Here ServiceAppName is the name of the Translation service, DBName is the database name for translation service, DBServerName is name of the DB server, AppPoolName is application pool name. Here is the sample script to create new translation service,

New-SPTranslationServiceApplication -Name "Machine Translation Service Application" -DatabaseName "MachineTranslationService_DB" -DatabaseServer "DBServer" -ApplicationPool "MachineTranslationServiceAppPool" –Default 
In my next post i will write how to configure machine translation service.