Monday, August 11, 2014

SharePoint 2013 workflow compiling error: Workflow XAML failed validation

While working with SharePoint workflow, I got compilation error in Start a task process activity. By clicking the error (clicking on the top “check errors button”) I don’t see any issues. When publishing the workflow I got the error saying that “Microsoft.Workflow.Client.ActivityValidationException: Workflow XAML failed validation: Cannot set unknown member CompositeTask.RelatedContentLinkListItemIntegerId’. HTTP headers received from the server”

Iam unable to publish the WF in SharePoint designer with my credentials and My friends credentials. To fix the issue, I have checked in to issue and found the fix in following blog and MSDN

To fix the issue, we have to register workflow service using following command

Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite 'MySiteURL’ –WorkflowHostUri ‘Site URL' -AllowOAuthHttp –Force

Hope this helps.

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